Kızılderili Atasözleri

Kızılderililer, Asya kıtasından Bering boğazını geçerek Amerika’ya gelmişlerdir. 10-25 bin yıl önce farklı kültür ve fizik yapısına sahip bu insanlar zamanla Amerika’da tek toplumu yani Kızılderilileri oluşturacaktır. O zamanlarda kuzeyde deniz seviyesi buzullar nedeni ile düşüktü. Bering boğazı bir köprü vazifesi görüyordu. Avrupalılar kıtaya ayak bastığında yaklaşık 4.2 milyon, Güney Amerika’da ise 10 milyon yerli Kızılderili vardı. Bu noktadan sonra nüfus hızla azalmaya başlamıştır. Çeşitli, katliamlar, bulaşıcı hastalıklar ile Kızılderililer nüfus olarak azalmıştır topraklarını kaybetmiştir.
- Fox Boyu
- Sauk Boyu
- Hopi Boyu
- Hopi Boyu
- 📕Doğum yapan her şey dişidir. Kadınların ezelden beri bildiği kainatın dengelerini erkekler de anlamaya başladıkları zaman, dünya daha iyi bir dünya olmak üzere değişmeye başlamış olacaktır.Mohawk Boyu📕Dur, dinle. Hep konuşursan hiçbir şey duyamazsın.Dünyadaki her şeyin bir sebebi vardır. Her bitki bir hastalığı tedavi etmek için büyür. Ve her insan bir görevle yaratılmıştır.📕Düşmanımı cesur ve kuvvetli yap! Eğer onu yenersem utanç duymayayım.Apache Boyu📕Eğer bir ülkede gölgelerin boyu insanların boyunu geçmişse o ülkede güneş batıyor demektir.📕Eğer herkes bir başkası için bir şey yaparsa dünyada ihtiyaç içinde kimse kalmaz. Sadece bir kişiye yardım et! Şimdiki usul bu değil ama inanıyorum, insanlar bu yolu öğrenecekler.📕Eğer sorsanız: ‘Sessizlik nedir?’ Cevap veririz: O Büyük Ruh’ un sesidir. Yine sorsanız: ‘Sessizliğin meyveleri nelerdir?’ Cevap veririz: Kendi kendini kontrol, gerçek cesaret demek olan metanet, sabır, vakar ve saygı.’📕Fakir olmak, şerefsiz olmaktan daha küçük bir meseledir.📕Gözlerde yaş yoksa, ruh gökkuşağına sahip olamaz.Gözün ile değil, yüreğin ile hüküm ver.📕Günümüzde insanlar bilgiyi arar oldu, hikmeti değil. Halbuki bilgi mazidir, hikmet ise istikbal.Lumbee Boyu
- Sihirli Yelpaze Sundu!
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- Kızılderili atasözleri
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- Kızılderililer
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- Hello dear friends..
- If you are asking what are the Native American proverbs, you are at the right place. We will share with you Native American proverbs from the proverbs section of our Magical Fantasy World Encyclopedia section.
- First of all, let’s get to know the Indians together…
- indians
- When Christopher Columbus set foot in America on his sea voyage to reach India, he thought it was India and named the local people “Indians”. That’s why today’s Americans call Indians “Indian”, even though they have nothing to do with India.
- The Indians came to America by crossing the Bering Strait from the Asian continent. 10-25 thousand years ago, these people with different cultures and physical structures will eventually form the only society in America, namely the Indians. At that time, sea level in the north was low due to glaciers. The Bering Strait served as a bridge. When Europeans set foot on the continent, there were approximately 4.2 million native Indians and 10 million native Indians in South America. After this point, the population started to decrease rapidly. With various massacres, contagious diseases, the Indians lost their land as the population decreased.
- Native American Proverbs
- 📕What are humans without animals? If all animals disappear, humankind will die in great loneliness of spirit. What happens to animals, happens to humans. Everything is interconnected. What happened to the earth will also happen to the children of the earth.
- 📕Everything breathes the same breath: animals, people, trees… What would people do without animals? If all the animals are gone, the souls of people will be drowned in great loneliness; people die of loneliness.
- Indian Chief Seattle
- 📕Everything is a ring. Each of us is responsible for our own actions. They all go round and round and come back to us.
- 📕It is useful to remind that each of us has a different dream.
- 📕Betrayal darkens the friendship chain, but loyalty makes it brighter than ever.
- 📕Walk gently in the spring; mother earth is pregnant
- 📕Man has two souls. A good dog and a bad dog fight in it. Whichever you feed the most wins.
- Native American Proverbs
- As a person moves away from nature, his heart hardens.
- 📕Man’s eyes speak such words that the tongue cannot pronounce them.
- 📕It is the arrow made of its own feather that shoots the eagle.
- 📕Prefer losing to an immoral offer. The pain of the former lasts for a moment, the guilt of the other for a lifetime.
- 📕Prophecy is nothing more than seeing a possible event with a definite look. The weather will either be cloudy or the sun will shine.
- Cherokee Size
- 📕Before you judge your neighbor, walk in his loafers for two months!
- Cheyenne Length
- 📕Both the blessing and the burden are in the hands of the ‘Great Spirit’. Sometimes his burden makes us smarter than his blessing
- The dead do not take their power and knowledge with them, they add it to the living.
- Hopi Size
- 📕Never criticize a person unless you walk a mile in their shoes.
- 📕Your conscience can’t represent anyone but you
- 📕We move forward tirelessly with love. With love, only with it we can make sacrifices for others.
- 📕When the last river is dry, the last tree is gone, the last fish is dead; The white man will understand that money is inedible.
- Native American Proverbs
- We must be like water. Lower than anything, but stronger than a rock.
- Sioux Tribe
- 📕Don’t talk about the devil. It arouses curiosity in the hearts of young people.
- Sioux Tribe
- 📕Remember, your children are not yours. You borrowed it from the Creator.
- Mohawk Length
- 📕The words of the Great Spirit do not turn yellow and fall like an oak leaf: they remain green forever like a pine leaf.
- 📕There are three peaces: The first peace is the most important peace. It is in the human soul. First peace is achieved when man realizes his relationship and unity with the universe and all its forces, when he realizes that the Great Spirit stands at the center of the universe and that this center is everywhere, inside each of us. This is true peace, others are just the opposite of it. The second peace is the peace between two individuals. The third peace is made between two nations. But first of all, you must understand that the first peace, which I call ‘true peace’, cannot be peace between individuals or nations if there is no peace in the soul of man.
- 📕The rain falls on the good ones, and the bad ones too..
- 📕 who sees the wrong and does not reach out to prevent it, is as guilty as the wrongdoer.
- 📕What we need to do is to return everything to its former simplicity, so that our corrupted order will be re-established.
- 📕 Old age is not as honorable as death. Still, a lot of people want it.
- 📕We did not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrowed it from our children.
- 📕It is foolish to belittle a person, and it is cowardice to see it too big.
- Don’t be afraid to cry! Painful thoughts in the mind are cleansed with tears.
- 📕Don’t walk behind me, I may not be your lead. Don’t walk in front of me, I may not be your follower. I may not obey you. Walk beside me so I can see you so we’re equal.
- Ute Size
- Native American proverbs
- Native American proverbs
- 📕When you know love, you also know the Creator.
- Fox Height
- 📕If you are going to hunt, hunt the weakest deer, because the healthy ones will ensure the continuation of the next generation.
- 📕Peace and happiness are available in every moment. Peace and happiness is in every step. There are no political solutions for matters of the soul.
- 📕 Always look inside your own sandal before talking about someone else’s fault.
- Sauk Size
- 📕One enemy is many, a hundred friends are few.
- Hopi Size
- 📕It’s better to say “Take this” once than “I’ll give it” twice.
- 📕We don’t want to damage the trees. Whenever we have to cut them up, we offer them tobacco first. We never waste wood, we cut as much as necessary, we use all that we cut. If we don’t think about their feelings and don’t offer tobacco before cutting, all the other trees of the forest will shed tears, which hurts our hearts.
- 📕All religions are stones on the way back to God.
- 📕All Indians must dance nonstop everywhere. The Great Spirit will come next spring. He will bring back all the game animals. In these lands where hunting is impossible. All dead Indians will come back and live again.
- Wovoka Length
- Hopi Size
- Everything that gives birth is female. When men begin to understand the balances of the universe, which women have known since eternity, the world will begin to change for a better one.
- Mohawk Length
- 📕Stop, listen. You can’t hear anything if you talk all the time.
- All have a reason in the World. Each plant grows to treat a disease. And every human is created with a task.
- 📕Make my enemy brave and strong! Let me not be ashamed if I beat him.
- Apache Size
- 📕If the length of the shadows in a country exceeds the height of the people, it means that the sun is setting in that country.
- If everyone does something for someone else, there will be no one left in need in the world. Help only one person! This is not the current way, but I believe people will learn this way.
- 📕If you ask: ‘What is silence?’ We answer: It is the voice of the Great Spirit. If you ask again: ‘What are the fruits of silence?’ We answer: self-control, fortitude, patience, dignity and respect, which is true courage.’
- Being poor is a smaller matter than being dishonest.
- 📕If the eyes have no tears, the soul cannot have a rainbow.
- Judge with your heart, not with your eyes.
- 📕Today, people seek knowledge, not wisdom. However, knowledge is the past, wisdom is the future.
- Lumbee Size
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