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Okul Türleri ve Programlar
Meslekî ve teknik eğitimde öğrencilerin imkânları doğrultusunda eğitim alabilmelerini sağlamak adına örgün ve yaygın eğitim verilmektedir. Örgün eğitim içerisindeyken süreç dışına çıkan veya zorunlu öğrenim çağı sonrasında alternatif bir meslek edinmek isteyen kişilerin, meslekî eğitim ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için meslekî açık öğretim liseleri kurulmuştur (Sözer, 2017). Meslek liselerine öğrenci kabulleri okul türüne, seçilecek alan ve dallara göre farklılıklar gösterebilmektedir.
Öğrencilerin, okul türü ve programlar arasında ki geçişleri ile okullar arasında ki nakiller bir takım şartlar altında yapılabilmektedir. Öğrencilere öğrenimlerini tamamladıkları okul türü, program, alan ve dala göre diploma düzenlenmektedir.
Örgün Meslekî ve Teknik Eğitim Okulları
Meslekî Eğitim Merkezleri
okul türleri ve eğitim programı |
Meslekî Eğitim Merkezi programlarına kayıt şartları:
Eğitime başlanabilmesi için eğitim görülecek alan ve dala uygun işyeri ve usta öğreticinin olması ve MEB İşletmelerde Meslekî Eğitim Sözleşmesinin imzalanması gerekmektedir.
Güzel Sanatlar Liseleri
okul çeşitleri ve eğitim programları |
Spor Liseleri
Yaygın Meslekî ve Teknik Eğitim Okulları
Kaynak: meb.gov.tr
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School Types and Programs
In vocational and technical education, formal and non-formal education is provided in order to ensure that students receive education in line with their possibilities. Vocational open education high schools have been established in order to meet the vocational education needs of people who go out of the process while in formal education or who want to acquire an alternative profession after the compulsory education age (Sözer, 2017). Student admissions to vocational high schools may differ according to the type of school, the field and branches to be selected.
Transfers of students between school types and programs and transfers between schools can be made under certain conditions. Diplomas are issued to students according to the type of school, program, field and branch in which they completed their education.
Formal Vocational and Technical Education Schools
In Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools, curriculum is implemented in 54 fields and 199 branches under these fields.
In Vocational Education Centers, education programs are implemented in 27 fields and in 142 branches under these fields.
In the Anatolian Vocational Program, there are general knowledge courses as well as knowledge and skills for a profession.
In the Anatolian Technical Program, besides the knowledge and skills for a profession, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology courses are mainly given for 4 years.
In both programs, vocational field education is given in the 10th grade, and branch education is given in the 11th and 12th grades depending on the vocational field.
Enrollment is made to Anatolian Vocational Programs with no exam and local placement.
Placement in the Anatolian Technical Program is made with a central exam.
Multi-Program Anatolian High Schools; They are secondary education institutions that implement general, vocational and technical education programs under one administration.
Vocational Training Centers are educational institutions where journeyman and mastership training and vocational and technical course programs are implemented.
Vocational education programs are registered by passing without examination and by local placement.
In vocational education programs, field and branch selection is made starting from the 9th grade. In order to start the training, it is required to have a suitable workplace and master trainer for the field and branch. One or two days of theoretical training and four or five days of vocational training are given at the workplace.
In Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools, curriculum is implemented in 54 fields and 199 branches under these fields.
In Vocational Education Centers, education programs are implemented in 27 fields and in 142 branches under these fields.
Vocational Training Centers
school types and education program
In Vocational Training Centers, students are registered to receive journeyman and mastership training.
Registration conditions for Vocational Education Center programs:
a) To be at least secondary school or imam-hatip secondary school graduate
b) To be suitable to do the work required by the profession in which the structure and health status will be entered.
In order to start education, it is necessary to have a suitable workplace and master trainer for the field and branch, and to sign the Vocational Training Agreement in MEB Enterprises.
Vocational Education Center program students; is a student and enjoys all kinds of student rights. Vocational Education Centers (apprenticeship training) have been included in the scope of compulsory education in order to meet the apprentice needs of tradesmen and craftsmen, which is the cornerstone of the economy, and to train students as masters through on-the-job training with the master-apprentice relationship coming from the Akhism culture. Students who have completed the Vocational Education Center programs have the right to go to higher education if they complete the difference courses and get a diploma in line with their wishes.
Students who continue to Vocational Education Center programs are taken to the end-of-year skills exam at the end of each academic year starting from the 10th grade. The skill exam taken at the end of the 11th grade is applied as a journeyman, and the skill exam taken at the end of the 12th grade is applied as a mastery exam.
Before starting to employ the candidate apprentice and apprentice, the owner of the workplace is obliged to make a vocational training contract with him or her, if they are a parent or guardian, or if they are of legal age.
Fine Arts High Schools
types of schools and educational programs
Fine Arts High Schools are institutions that provide education and training on a boarding and/or daytime basis with a four-year education period on secondary school or imam-hatip secondary school. These schools are opened primarily in places where higher education institutions related to fine arts are located.
It was established for students who have talent in the field of fine arts and who want to train themselves in the field of painting and music. The first Fine Arts High School in Turkey was opened in the 1989-1990 academic year.
Sports High Schools
Sports high schools are boarding, day and mixed schools that provide four years of education on secondary school or imam-hatip secondary school. These schools are opened primarily in places where there are higher education institutions related to physical education and sports. It aims to provide students with basic knowledge and skills in the field of physical education and sports, and to be a source for raising qualified people in the field of physical education and sports.