Öksürük Nasıl Geçer, Öksürüğü Geçirmenin Yolları Nelerdir?

Her kalemden hakikatli kelamlar ettiğimiz sitemizin sağlık kategorisinde yer almakta olan “öksürük nasıl geçer?” adlı konumuza hoşgeldiniz.
•Soğanlı Su ;
1 tane soğanı 4’e bölün ve ardından 1 bardak su ilave edip kaynatın.
5 dakika kaynattıktan sonra altını kapatıp biraz soğumasını bekleyin. İçebileceğiniz ılıklığa geldiğinde suyunu süzerek bir bardağın içerisine koyun.
İçerisine 1 tatlı kaşığı bal koyun karıştırın ve bu karışımı için. Yarım saat kadar sonra öksürükten kurtulma oranınız fazlası ile yüksektir.
•Ballı Turp ;
Bir turp alın ve bu turbun içerisini bir miktar oyarak dibini delin.
Daha sonrasında turbu bardağın içerisine yerleştirin ve içerine bal ilave edin. Turp, o şekilde ertesi güne kadar beklesin ve bardağa damlamış olan balı afiyetle tüketin.
Öksürük nasıl geçer |
•Sarımsak Ve Tarçın ;
Bir bardak kaynar suyun içerisine bir diş sarımsak ve 2 adet tarçın ilave edin. 5 dakika demlendikten sonra için.
Öksürüğü kesmek için ideal yöntemlerden biridir.
•Limonlu karabiber yöntemi ;
Yeni kesilmiş çeyrek limonun üzerine biraz karabiber ve tuz serperek limonu bu şekilde emerseniz, öksürüğünüze iyi gelecektir.
•Karabiberli zeytinyağı ;
Zeytinyağını bir kabın içerisinde yanmayacak şekilde ısıtın.
Daha sonra ise, içerisine bir miktar karabiber ekleyip sırtınıza sürün. Bu karışımı sırtınıza sürdükten sonra ise bir bez yardımıyla sarın.
Bu yöntem de öksürüğü geçirmek için etkili yöntemler arasındadır.
•Bal ve toz zencefil ;
Bir tatlı kaşığı bal ve biraz toz zencefili karıştırarak macun yapın ve bu macunu yiyin.
Boğaza ve öksürüğe iyi gelmesi ile bilinen bu yöntemde çok sık tercih edilen yöntemler arasındadır.
•Karabiber ve bal karışımı ;
Bir bardak sütün içerisine 1’er tatlı kaşığı toz karabiber ve bal ekleyin. Bu karışımı günde 2 defa içerek öksürükten kurtulma zamanınızı minimuma düşürebilirsiniz.
Öksürüğü geçirmenin yolları nelerdir |
•Ayva yaprağı ve ıhlamur ;
Ayva yaprağı ile ıhlamuru sıcak suyun içerisinde 5 dakika kayatp için. Bu karışımın öksürüğe iyi geldiği söylenmektedir.
Arkadaşlar birde ayrı bir özet geçelim
Beslenme, uyuma düzeninizi koruyun.
Öksürüğü geçirmek adına en etkili ve en çok tercih edilen yöntemler sihirli yelpaze ekibi olarak sizler için sıraladık.
Bu konu ile ilgili soru, düşünce ve isteklerinizi yorumlar kısmından bizimle paylaşmayı unutmayın …
İlgili makale’nin İngilizcesi;
It is in the health category of our site, where we speak truthfully from every pen, and the “how does a cough go?” Welcome to our topic.
We creatures, of course, get sick many times in our lives.
And some of these diseases express themselves with cough.
Although coughing is a very disturbing condition, it can be an indicator of both minor colds and serious diseases.
If you are suffering from severe coughing, you can feel the effect if you apply one or more of the following methods;
What are the Ways of Coughing?
•Onion Water;
Cut 1 onion into 4, then add 1 glass of water and boil it.
After boiling for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and wait for it to cool down a bit. When it is warm enough to drink, strain the water and put it in a glass.
Mix 1 teaspoon of honey in it and drink this mixture. After half an hour, your cough relief rate is very high.
•Honey Radish;
Take a radish and pierce the bottom of this radish by hollowing out a little bit.
Then place the radish in the glass and add honey into it. Let the radish wait until the next day and enjoy the honey that has dripped into the glass.
how to cough
•Garlic And Cinnamon ;
Add a clove of garlic and 2 cinnamon sticks into a glass of boiling water. Drink after infusing for 5 minutes.
It is one of the ideal methods to cut cough.
•Lemon pepper method;
Sprinkle some pepper and salt on a freshly cut quarter lemon and suck the lemon in this way, it will be good for your cough.
• Black pepper olive oil ;
Heat the olive oil in a pan so that it does not burn.
Then, add some black pepper and rub it on your back. After applying this mixture on your back, wrap it with the help of a cloth.
This method is also among the effective methods to relieve cough.
•Honey and powdered ginger;
Make a paste by mixing a teaspoon of honey and some powdered ginger and eat this paste.
This method, which is known to be good for throat and cough, is among the most frequently preferred methods.
• Black pepper and honey mixture;
Add 1 teaspoon each of ground black pepper and honey into a glass of milk. You can minimize your time to get rid of cough by drinking this mixture 2 times a day.
What are the ways to pass the cough
•Quince leaves and linden;
Simmer quince leaves and linden in hot water for 5 minutes. This mixture is said to be good for cough.
•For Water;
Drinking water keeps the airways moist, and if you have sputum (mucus), the water you drink thins the mucus layer and allows it to come out easily.
It is strongly recommended that you drink an average of 2.5 liters of water a day, regardless of the season, in order to be beneficial in every way!
•Consume Linden Tea;
During periods when your cough is intensified, herbal teas and fluid consumption are of great importance.
Because herbal teas have a feature that softens the throat, it helps to increase fluid intake and significantly alleviates your cough.
Herbal teas are known to strengthen the immune system with the vitamins and minerals they contain.
Thanks to herbal teas such as linden and rosehip, you may notice that your existing cough is significantly reduced.
Adding honey and lemon to it will be good for your cough if you consume these teas up to two to three tea glasses a day.
•Consume Ginger and Turmeric;
This miraculous blessing, called turmeric, is not only in the kitchen, but also in pharmacies.
Turmeric is a blessing that fights against both the development of inflammation and malignant cells in the body.
Ginger is another food supplement that fights viruses and bacteria. You can mix them fresh into your meals or drink their teas. However, it is recommended to drink a maximum of two to three glasses a day. (Do not consume more)!
•Do not smoke ! ;
The effect of smoking on cough
As we breathe, dust and particles enter our airways.
There are hair cells in charge of sweeping the dust and dirt that line our airlines. Hairy cells oscillate upwards, sweeping foreign bodies in the lung upwards.
Each cigarette smoked paralyzes the legs of these hair cells for an hour. In other words, our lungs remain unprotected and cannot be cleaned.
Not only smoking, but also passive exposure to cigarettes irritates the airways and delays healing.
Try to avoid smoking completely, at least until your cough is gone!
• Stay away from milk and dairy products as much as possible;
It is a known fact that excessive consumption of cow’s milk and cheese in adults increases mucus (phlegm) production and thickens the mucus.
For this reason, when coughing is accompanied by sputum or when there is a continuous post-nasal drip, it is useful to reduce dairy products, and even not to consume them at all until the cough subsides.
Only until it heals of course!!
• Avoid Strong (Heavy) Odors;
Perfume, cigarettes etc. The sharp odors that exist in most of the things can trigger cough by causing contraction in the bronchi.
Perfumes, deodorants and air fresheners are among the factors that can trigger cough.
In addition, when cleaning is done by mixing detergents used in house cleaning, it can cause asthma-like diseases. Therefore, mixing of detergents should be avoided.
•Stop Eating 3 Hours Before Sleeping;
Cough treatment methods
Reflux is one of the most common causes of cough. If you have a reflux problem, you should stop consuming food, regardless of liquid or solid, 3 hours before going to sleep.
The reason for this is that the food leaves our stomach during this process.
•Eat Regularly;
In order for our immune system to be strong, you need to consume all kinds of foods in a balanced way.
It is necessary to avoid the consumption of dyed, additive, processed and packaged foods as much as possible.
These can cause asthma, hives and intestinal dysfunction, especially in people with allergies.
Among the vitamins, vitamin D, which is known to increase immunity, is also important. It is recommended that you use vitamin D as a food or drug supplement to strengthen your immune system.
There are conflicting data on the consumption of vitamin C, but since it is a water-soluble vitamin, excess can be excreted in the urine. Take care to meet your vitamin needs with fresh fruits and vegetables!
Friends, let’s give a separate summary.
Maintain your eating and sleeping patterns.
As the magic fan team, we have listed the most effective and most preferred methods for coughing up for you.
Do not forget to share your questions, thoughts and requests about this subject with us in the comments section …